Hello, I want to have values populated when I select Event Name. The values are stored in different entities and they all combined have to be stored in other entity(Expenses). When I click on New button in a grid a form opens up where in case I want these values fetched. On Save, the pop up will close and all these values would be displayed in a data grid. Please refer below screenshot. What object to pass in the microflow to fetch the food costs and other values from other table based on the selected event name?
Madhushree Kulkarni
1 answers
I'd use an on-change trigger on the 'Event Name' field. The Expense-object will be passed to the microflow, which I assume has a relation to the Event Name? This means you can retrieve the Event Name and other info through an association between Expense/EventName. From there use whatever logic you need to retrieve the other proper values, depending of course on your domain model and business logic.