How to create a new object in the same page upon changing the value of an attribute from a different associated entity

I need to create a new object of entity type 'Control Assessment', associated to the 'Principle' object, upon changing the 'Applicable' attribute from the 'Principle' entity to Yes. I would like the control assessment to appear at the bottom of the same page, not generate a new page. I have my page set up as follows:  For the on-change action of the 'Applicable' entity, I have it set to a microflow which creates a new 'Control Assessment' object and 'shows' the 'Edit Principle' page. So far, when I run the application the associated entity does appear when I select 'Yes' (I also have the visibility for the Control Assessment entity set to only appear on selection of 'Yes'), however when I move my mouse over the radio buttons it does not allow me to input a selection.  What am I missing here? It seems to me that my microflow is not properly creating a new associated 'control assessment' object and passing it to the same page, but I don't know how to do this. Thank you in advance for your help!
2 answers

Hi Elisabeth,

On the on-change microflow, you do not have to do the 'shows' the 'Edit Principle' page since you already on that page. 

What you can check

-Is there a refresh on the change action of the Principle entity?

-Do you have the rights to create a new Control Assessment entity? (double check the access rules on the entity)


Do you have your page editability set to 'Default' ?
