First of all, a representation of the domain model would really help us visualize the issue; therefore provide better suggestions.
If I'm getting this correctly then you should have a dataview (Entity: myschedule) for a "myschedule" object, and inside that dataview you should create a datagrid/listview (Entity: Event) that has your created microflow as a data source.
Assuming you have some sort of a 1-* relationship between myschedule and events (myschedule 1-* event) and assuming you don't want to retrieve and filter the events using XPATH for some reason. Please correct me if I'm mistaken.
Agreed with Abdullah: more info is needed to properly help with the best solution for your application.
However your isolated issue regarding the dataview is quite simple. You have a dataview with entity myschedule set to datasource 'context'. Which means the page must have an object of myschedule available.
Simply create a microflow that retrieves or creates this object and have a 'Show page' activity that passes on this object to the page. This microflow can be called from navigation or from a microflow button on another page (or any other way to trigger a microflow really).
For an example of this, check out 'ManageMyAccount' in the default Administration module (but disregard the cast object activities here, as they are irrelevant for your case).