The reason your microflow is called multiple times is that you are creating Asset_Entity objects in the source microflow for a ListView that displays Asset_Entity objects.
Inside of the loop in your microflow, the create action is *probably* set to Refresh in client. So each time you create a new object in that microflow, it will trigger a refresh in the page which means your microflow will execute again.
One way to resolve this would be to call the microflow that retrieves objects from the REST service before you open the page. Then set your ListView to retrieve from the database, instead of using a microflow. This would mean that when you want to open this page, you would need to call a microflow to
Hope that helps.
Why don't you use a counter or index of the list?
You should not trust Mendix automation.
Hi Aalaa Hamouda,
Could you please set refresh in Client to No in Create object activity and try