How to exclude default role from retrieve user roles list.

 When i use retrieve list activity for retrieving user roles , i also get mendix default role in list which i don't want to use in microflow . Note: I haven't assigned any module role to mendix DefaultRole ... I used a filter activity with tail option to exclude defaultrole and get the only required list, which shows error in every decision activity next to filter. Filter link is as follows . I only want the user which is logged in but activity is giving extra 'defaultrole' in list. when i delete default role the most of the contents not appear in application display.   
2 answers

If you do a retrieve of the userroles fromthe database you can use the following to exclude a user role:

[not(id = '[%UserRole_YourUserRole%]')]

If you only want the userroles of the current user you could retrieve the userroles through assocation: $currentUser/UserRoles


That's worked perfectly, thanks a lot
