Hi, I'm following the Learning Path, and have created a microflow which 'should' count and update the number of course attendees on Jimmy's courses. The manual does not say how to set the expression to change TrainingEvent/NumberOfAttendees to be that of the $Count in the previous action in the list. Obviously I'm new to this (hence going through the Learning Path). I've tried $Registration/Number = $Count, but I'm then told that 'The microflow expression is of type Boolean, but should be of type Integer/Long'. I understand what this means, but I don't know why I'm getting this error, as the member of TrainingEvent (i.e NumberOfAttendees) is set to be integer I also tried to download the full Project Package from module 8 to see what the solution was, but it turns out the full project is not available there, only a module. Any help, greatly appreciated. :)
Alan Gale
2 answers
Hi Alan,
In your microflow, if you are using the aggregate list activity to count your list, this will create a variable that will store the count. Most of the time it will be named "$count". After this activity you would want to use a change activity and change the Input Variable to be trainingEvent object. Then click new under the Action section and select the attribute you want to change. In this case you want to change "NumberOfAttendees". Then set the value of this to "$count"
Hope this helps!
Edit: You just have to define what you want to set the value too. In this case its just $count
Austin McNicholas
I hit on the answer just as you updated the image! Many thanks for your help.... it keeps us newbies moving along the path instead of getting stuck in the weeds.