Webservice sending data twice

Hi, I'm using a web service to retrieve some data from a form within another Mendix app. It sends over a few string values nothing complicated. However the data is duplicated within the app it’s sent to and is shown twice. Has anyone encountered this issue before when sending data between two Mendix apps? For reference the form sending the data over is on 6.10.3 and the data is being viewed in 7.16.0.  
5 answers

Have you tried adding some Logging on the sending and receiving apps?

For example just before you send the request to the web service, add a log message. If the log message appears twice, then you have a bug in your sending microflow causing the data to be sent twice.



Hello Phil,

Never had an issue like that, sounds very odd, it's also quite hard to think why this would happen without more details from you.

It might be worth trying app services instead of web services to see if it sorts your issue. They're a bit more integrated with the Mendix app and I'd say safer for Mendix-to-Mendix communication (they're also really easy to set up), changing over might help you isolate the issue.

Hope this helps.


Hi Dragos,

Thanks for the reply. To be honest i'm not sure why i didn't use an app service does it function in the same way? I could provide more information i'm just not sure what to show you?





Hi here are the microflows

this is from app 1 that has the form.


And this is the app 2 that is being populated by the form


Just to close this off. I noticed that I was feeding in a parameter and creating an object. Hence why it was appearing twice.


