Remove entry from association inside microflow.

Hi All,   I have two entities “Account” and “Group” and are connected via association Group_Account(* to *). I have created few groups by adding new accounts to this association. Now, I want to remove accounts from group, for this I have written new microflow and called it on button click. Microflow accesses account list of group and checks if current logged in user is present in the list. This much I have done but not able to remove it.  if current logged in user is found then I want to remove this user account from Group_Account association. Any Idea how to remove it? 
2 answers

You need a change action on the object that is the owner of the association. There you should be able to remove an account from the association.



Take a look at this microflow

It removes an object from the association, by change object → member association → remove object
