Hi there,
It is important to note that when you select a file to upload, Mendix uses the name of the actual document that you uploaded, even if you type something different into the Name field – it will override this. This happens before committing.
EDIT: For reference, I have added what the Microflow would roughly look like: https://modelshare.mendix.com/models/168d62db-84c3-4c63-a1b1-3bb83a30629b/save-file
EDIT: Also make sure to exclude your new document in the XPATH for your “table” retrieve like this:
This might be why you are seeing this. So in this case ONE of many possible solutions could be to Inherit from the System.FileDocument entity using Generalization:
And then you can use your own attribute to manage the uniqueness of the File names
I hope this helps!