You could try one of the modules in the app store depending on your country of choice. Search on address and you get multiple hits. All involve building/using an integration with an external service. Maybe Address Lookup API can help you out?
You could also build your own lookup using the google maps api. It is also a paid service if it is used a lot, but you get an amopunt of free lookups per period (as far as I remember. It has been some time since I used it).
So you are looking for a service that returns the address and street. That service differs per country and most of them are a paid service. Which countries do you need this service for? If NL, then there is a free service at, two in fact: one called BAG, the other PDOK. See Appstore-app PostalcodeHousenumber, which I built (also has Luxembourg). You can also look it to get an idea of how it's done. For other countries, the only options are paid services.
Btw. If you get this done for a country other than NL, please add that to that Appstore app. Highly appreciated.
Other option is to get your hands on an address-table for the country you need and create a simple Nanoflow retrieving the street & city. But being 100% complete and staying up-to-date is not easy.