Hi, Based on routes we want to pick-up articles. A route contains one or more articles. Stock articles follow a sequence (Object Reeks) from 1 to x, lets say, 1-99. Every time we pick an article out of stock, a sequence of that article has to be incremented with one (Object ArtikelSeq). Once sequence 99 is picked, we start at 1 again. Now I'm having my doubts about the domain model I created. Everything is concentrated around article, but we need routes to pick up articles within the chosen route. Based on this domain model I'm trying to create a microflow that loops through the articles in that route. Because I can't figure out how to loop this, I started to doubt about the domain model. The form below is meant to run the route and pick up the next correct article.
Rene Kop
1 answers
Based on your screenshot the Microflow starts with an Artikel parameter. If you want to retrieve all Artikel records that are associated to the Route of the Artikel parameter you could first retrieve the Route, and then retrieve all Artikel records that are associated to that Route record. You can then loop over that Artikel list.