Exception: MicroflowEngine: Exception occurred between two microflow object executions

Hello everyone, I saw the following message on the log based on an exception of a Microflow action which is running in the queue: ERROR - MicroflowEngine: Exception occurred between two microflow object executions, microflow 'DS_ANONYMISED_CreateOrRetrieveAction' is terminated. ERROR - MicroflowEngine: java.util.NoSuchElementException: next on empty iterator Directly after this exception, the following issue is being thrown: ERROR - QueueExecutor: Error while executing: Module.QA_QueuedActionAnonymised from the queue ERROR - QueueExecutor: com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: java.util.NoSuchElementException: next on empty iterator at {"before":[{}],"action":{"type":"CommitAction"},"after":[],"type":"EventExtendedAction"} My thought is it if it could be an issue of the queue module. Does anyone has the same or other ideas? It is not reproducable on local tests.
1 answers

Hi Gerrit,

Maybe this concerns the same kind of issue?


It is suggested here that the problem has to do with autocommitted objects, but that the error you described is thrown because there is no user context (which, in this case, also seems valid since you are executing the microflow from the queue)

So perhaps a good pointer is to check whether the objects you are using in the microflow aren't committed properly and whether there is any mentioning of autocommitted objects in your log at all?

