save action customization

Hi, I have a scenario where a user can request an asset. when user request an asset it should create an object of request and fill the data in asset entity and save. The problem is, once user click on request asset button the object of request is already created regardless of user has submitted the necessary information or not.  i want to make sure that user submit all the information like name, location and then click on save then and only then the request object is being created. But i couldn’t find a way to do that. because for submitting of a form requestor, we must need to pass request object . here i am attaching the screenshot of my domain model and the button behavior, can anybody help Thanks         I have a save button in the form which i have to make sure is clicked and then object is created.
2 answers

You could add a flag to your request entity. Something like “IsValid”. Add your save button and perform the validation in the save microflow. If everything was entered and is correct, set your flag to true.
Your request asset button can now only be set to visible if the flag is true.


Herer's information from the Mendix academy on how to build validation microflows like Andreas suggests.
See 8.4 to 8.4.4 in this lecture
