Parameter of the selected microflow does not match available arguments. No arguments are available.
Hello, I know this error was discussed multiple times in the forum, but I just can’t find a solution to my concrete problem... I have a list view, in which the Object “Tenant” is listed. The list contains a Button (for each Object listed there is one button each). Once you press the Button, a Microflow is triggered. In this microflow the Parameter is set to the Object “Tenant” (which is listed in the page the button is pressed on). The microflow then retrieves a List of an Object associated to “Tenant” called “Assignment”. The return value of the end event of the microflow ist the list of Object “Assignment”. In another Page called “Tenant-assigned Assignments”, I have the list view widget containing the source by microflow. However, I get the error “Parameter ‘Tenant’ of the selected microflow does not match available arguments. No arguments are available.”, although the Object and Button is enbedded in a Data view. I already have another Button in the list view, where “Tenant” is listed. This Button also triggers a workflow, where the Parameter is “Tenant”. However, here I create an “Assignment” Object associated to “Tenant”, which works fine without error. Can someone help? :) Below I have some pictures to clarify my problem a bit more...
Alexander Geils
1 answers
Hello Alexander,
Simply surround your dataview with another dataview which uses a page parameter of type tenant.
Explanation: When your page is being called it will need to pass the parameter object into a page parameter dataview, it won’t be able to pass it directly into the microflow datasource one.