Usually the system is not committing such objects to the database. Are you sure that it ends up in DB?
Is your object a specialization of System.FileDocument or System.Image? The file uploader sometimes behaves like this.
Mendix does not committ objects to the database.
can you share the screenshot of create object Activity of the micro flow where you are creating the new object.
make sure you share create Object Properties
Edit: Please the change in Action.
As mentioned before, your entity is a specialization of System.Image. The image uploader always commits on each button click when a file was selected. The only thing that you can do is building a proper delete behavior and a cleanup action that searches for orphaned objects from time to time.
creates object
here is the microflow which i am using to save the details, but problem is object is being created before calling the microflow.Can you please look into it and tell me where i am wrong
here is the change object properties