Show Message activity not working when microflow is executed from Java

I have a microflow which is executed from Java action using Core.execute() In this microflow I want to show a message using Show Message activity but this doesn’t work. Other activities like log message, create variable are working. I have put log message at start/end of microflow and text from both are visible in Mendix console but the pop-up (for show message activity) is not displayed in application Mendix Studio Pro 8.2.2
3 answers

Do you use the same context? If you do

Core.execute(getContext(), 'microflowName', parameters);

I believe that it should work. If you do

Core.execute(Core.createSystemContext(), 'microflowName', parameters);

it will not work, since the system context won't be able to display the messages.


Hi Umar,

Check this previous forum post, I think it answers your question:


Are you calling Core.execute() with the system or user context? If it’s the system context I don’t think it would show.
