Typo in Documentation 7.7.1 Retrieve Your Data - Learning Path: Rapid Developer (Analyst) ?

Learning Path – Rapid Developer (Analyst)  Section: Automating Processes within an App 7.7 By Association by Retrieve 7.7.1 Retrieve Your Data   Step 3. Open the Change object activity and go back to the addDays function. You now have the NewCourse object in scope as the $NewCourse variable, so you have access to the Duration attribute. Complete the microflow expression as shown below:    In my Mendix Studio Pro after import the Project Package from Resources tab However, in my Mendix Studio Pro. I’ve been getting this error:   I think it should be $Course instead of $NewCourse. My Domain Model
4 answers

Thanks! I have found another way. There’s a feedback button on the side pane. =)


All the docs.mendix.com can get edited by all of us, but unfortunately not the lectures. And posting the typo on this forum will probably not get the editor’s attention. Allthough this is of course no biggy, you best create a ticket for this at support.mendix.com.


Are you sure you have named the object NewCourse instead of Course in step



It is not clearly stated that the object has to be renamed to NewCourse in (at least, as far as I'm concerned). It would make sense I believe, but the thing that puts it off again, is the example that is being shown in completing the microflow. 


  1. Go back to the microflow and open the Change object activity. Edit the addDays function so it adds the duration of the course, minus one day. This way a course that lasts one day will now start and finish on the same day. Simply add “– 1” after $Course/Duration to achieve this.



This inconsistency had me doubting for a moment too, in the end still not sure whether $Course or $NewCourse is the correct use.
