Clear memory during infinite loop

For a project we are using Amazon SQS. In a Microflow we are continuously polling SQS for new messages (Amazon describes the mechanism as long polling) in an infinite loop. Each incoming message is processed using a Queue. We notice that objects accumulate in memory over the course of time, even if non-persistent objects are explicitely deleted. Is there a solution to fix this inside the Microflow? I could also implement a fixed thread pool that is running each iteration of the Microflow in a separate context, which ensures that all objects in the context are released.
4 answers

I think the problem is that the microflow is running in the same context and the same transaction all the time. You could remove the loop and use a recursive microflow call but it would still be the same context and transaction.


I created a module called “Follow Up Microflow” that can execute a microflow when the calling microflow is terminated. It will run in a seperate context and in a seperate transaction. Maybe it helps. Maybe you can just extract some ideas from it and build something on your own. It’s pretty new and is something like a side project. I don’t have a lot of feedback yet but it sounds like it could solve your problem.


Why not use a scheduled event for this? Have it run every 1 minute or so?

It will automatically solve your issue because each invokation will have its own context


This works quite well. In the RunnableImplementation you can configure an infinite loop that executes a Microflow. Before execution you can create a system context. After execution you can destroy the session.

ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numberOfThreads);

for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; i++) {
	Runnable runnable = new RunnableImplementation(logger, microflowToExecute);



Hi guys, thanks for your answers! @Andrej, I will not use scheduled events as I want to retrieve as many jobs as possible during peak loads.
