Retrieve Association creates empty object although association exists

Hi, I am facing a strange issue. I have three associations in one non-persistable entity and am retrieving 2 of them within one workflow. AlexaUser is retrieved as shown in the variables but after stepping over ResponseBody retrieve the responseBody is retrieved empty. IntentOperation has a value at the association of both entities. Why? Additional Info: The below microflow is called via JavaAction CommunityCommons.executeUnverifiedMicroflowAsUser_1 where a Microflow/CompleteName from MxModelReflection.FindMicroflow is passed. IntentOperation is also passed to the Action as Arg1.
2 answers

This forumpost might explain your issue.

I'm not sure if Mendix already fixed the issue.


The data may not be transferred or processed correctly when you retrieve it from the object. Check that the object contains all the required associations and that they are filled out correctly. Review your workflow logic and ensure that data is processed correctly at each stage of execution. If necessary, debug your code or workflow to identify possible problems or errors.
