Error in Calculating Count Function

Hi All, In the below, I’m trying to count the Number of Records in Aay Table and update the resulting Value in Bee. I’ve Associated the Tables and done a Microflow to calculate and configured the Microflow to run on Save Button. I’m getting Java error after clicking the Save Button. Please help. Held up in this for days. Thanks inAdvance. :)        
2 answers

Do you create Bee somewhere and associate it wit Aay?

The error you get is probably change object “bee” should not be null (or something similar), that objects needs to be created before and associated with current object Aay if you want to retrieve and change it.


The message about the “Fast reload” will be gone as soon as you refresh the page in your browser.

If you want to store the NumberOfRecordsInAay, than create an attribute for that in entity Bee. Make sure Bee is a singleton, so it will have only one Object max. 
