Multiple Files (System.FileDocument) download in client side in Mendix

Hi All, I am looking for help in downloading multiple files ( list of System.FileDocument) with a button click ( obviously with a Microflow to retrieve the list). I have tried Mendix inbuilt downloader in a loop which isn’t a good idea. it didnt work, it is not working consistently .   I have tried some Java where I can get for the server side download if we provide path. But I want this to be downloaded to User’s downloads folder. Any help would be much appreciated.
4 answers

You can achieve what you want by separating the microflow actions by calling them separately from a nanoflow.

This will request the user to allow the application to download multiple files. 


Hi Nagendran,

Perhaps you can try to zip them and then download the zip file?

Hope this helps!


Thanks Johan. Unfortunately, my requirement is to have individual files to be downloaded in to users’ machine.


AFAIK downloading multiple files is not possible in Mendix.

Creating a zip file is an alternative, is there a particular reason this will not work in your case?

Alternatives i see are to ftp the files to a share that the client has access to or to send the files to sharepoint. The client can then download the files from sharepoint.
