Time Complexity

Hello Team, I am calling a microflow which is sorting and selecting the employee row (Since one employee may have more than 1 records) based on the effective date and primary ID. so It is taking 90 sec approx to view 4000 employees. (Xpath constraint will not work here, the reason I need to pick the latest employee record as per the current date and time since I have to call microflow to filter the data from the Database and return the List of employee and I need to do operation on the provided list). So Please advise some effective way to reduce the waiting time.   Thanks & regards, Ankit   Screen Shots: –            Microflow ScreenShot: –           
1 answers

You could add a boolean to the database which is only true for the most recent employee record.

Querying the database is almost always better performing with large datasets than using microflows to filter.
