Passing form data to microflow

Hi, i would like to build a little form with two textboxes and a send-button. After pressing the button i would like to pass the values of the two textboxes to the microflow. I build a microflow and configured two parameters in it. In the button options i selected the microflow onclick but i have to idea how to pass the values of the two textboxes to the microflow. In the button options i see the two params from the micriflow but it says ‘No applicable value available’. Can somebody help me with this problem?      
3 answers

Hi John,


The input fields are part of an entity you can pass this entity to the microflow, take a look at the example in this documentation.

I would also suggest to take some time for a few learning modules/paths because that is the quickest way to comprehend the way Mendix works and a quick way to start building things


With kind regards,



Did you take a look for the academy section?


I didnt see the learning modules, they are quite good.
I saw how it is supposed to work now and set it up.

When i execute the app/microflow now however, i get a 560 error back on my localhost.
I tried the request with postman and it works fine.
Any idea what could be the cause for that?
