Trouble creating button that takes me to a previous section of application
I have a multi-page application users fill out. The data attributes are spread across many entities, partly because we have some data where its 1-1 and other entities where it is 1-many. (e.g. repeating data sections to “Add Children” and fill out information for Child 1, then same form for Child 2.) From this screen where the DataView is one entity, I want a button at the end of this section to take them back to say the first section (which that page is a different page parameter and data entity). It wants me to pass the destination page an object for that specific page parameter. However, the page I’m coming from is a different data entity/parameter and does not include the destination parameter. How in the microflow so I save the current page they are on, close it, and then take them to the beginning of the application? I’ve tried retrieving the object in addition to passing the object that I’m on in the microflow but keep getting the error (CE1569) – Selected page expects object of type X, which is not compatible with the Object of type Y that is available here. What am I missing in the microflow to satisfy? How do I retrieve object that doesn’t exist on the current page, into the microflow?
Mark Warner
4 answers
Hi Mark, why not you retrieve the data from the database in the microflow and pass the object you want for the next page