Hi Mohamed,
Try to set log level of ‘DeepLink’ to Trace.
Hi Peeradech, Thank you for replying.
I have set the log level to TRACE and this is the error message I am getting : No session found for deeplink: /link/movie/Run, attempting to serve link as guest.
Requirement is that this Url : http://localhost:8084/link/movie/Run needs to be executed externally.
I have turned off the security and still getting the same error.
What is the issue here?
Hi Mohamed,
Could you run your application with eclipse, and debug StartDeepLinkJava.java?
As the error says, the target MF requires some session because it is secured.
You need to configure the login screen for deep link, it works like below
If you want guest roles, may be anonymous logins must be allowed in the project and those user roles must be able to execute the MF. The following information can be found in the https://docs.mendix.com/appstore/modules/deep-link
All other roles—including your guest roles—should have the DeepLink.User user role. Otherwise they will not be able to use any link.
Please read the documentation from the above link and also the detailed documentation can be found in the app store as well.
Maybe not for you anymore but in case more people are looking for this error after upgrading to Mendix 9. On localhost , it all works fine. However, on the cloud environments, you might get this or something that is preventing deeplink from working.
The solution is setting com.mendix.core.SameSiteCookies to None in your custom runtime settings