Aggregate some attributes and use the aggregated sum to update a attribute in the same entity

Hi, I am new to Mendix. I try to add ExectiveHour, PMHour and BAHour together into TotalWeekHour. I kept getting this error. Does microflow support this kind of action? Thanks a lot! 
2 answers

If you are using a calculating attribute you should not create a new project estimation object.

Instead it would be better to create a decimal variable and add ProjectEstimation/ExecutiveHour +  ProjectEstimation/PMhour + ProjectEstimation/BAhour. This variable should be returned at the end of the microflow.

See also:


Thank you Maatern! I realized I made a mistake for creating an object instead of a new variable. I add the hour when I create a new variable and return it as the same data type at the end of microflow. But I still get one error.

Do you know what caused it? Thank you.

