Help With Filtering in Microflow

I am having troubles with figuring out how to filter all work request tickets to their assigned employee. I created a “My Tickets” page in which I want it to pull the tickets and only show for the employee that is logged in. Below are screenshots of the microflow I created for that data parameter of the page but is not functional. Please let me know if you know how to solve my issue! Thanks!
2 answers

Instead of doing the filter in the microflow you can just constrain the data in the listview, datagrid or template grid that you put on the page. For example if you have a ticket entity that is linked to an employee entity(that inherits from system.user). You can do an xpath constrained on the page with: [Ticket_Employee = $currentuser]


Thank you so much for the response! So I tried it but it’s only letting me choose an attribute in the Ticket  Request entity, not over the reference Employee. Here’s the error and here is my domain model: 

