Suggested Addition to new feature since 8.18.0 Synchronize objects - Mendix Forum

Suggested Addition to new feature since 8.18.0 Synchronize objects


First of all, thanks so much for the long awaited feature of the ability that now it is possibilty in your native app only sync a selected object/list, with the new action introduced  'Synchronize objects' in 8.18.0.

After using it I came across the following behavior: 

Currently this action, does not listen to the settings in the ‘Navigation>Mobile Profile> Synchronization configuration’. There must be very reasonable arguments for this approach. Currently the action is always preserving all selected objects. Due to this behavior, it is not possible to use the download behavior as 'Nothing (clear data)’ for the action 'Synchronize objects.’, without still having to call the 'Sync all’ action.

My idea is as follows, when Selected object(s) is clicked, there will be shown an option under Synchronization type:

Download configuration: (option A) Preserve data (option B) Clear data   

This way, there is full control over the sync configuration at any point and no need to listen to the  ‘Navigation>Mobile Profile> Synchronization configuration’. 

I strongly believe this can be a big contribution to many native app solutions.

Practical situation example: "Imagine I create a message in my offline native app that i want to send to the cloud, for my colleague to read it over there. At the moment I sync the message , I do not need the message in the app anymore.” 








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