Customizing PhoneGap Build for Andriod ver. 6 & 7

Hi, We are facing issue in Phone gap app as below, Default app is supporting Android 8, 9 & 10 but we require to install apk file in Android version 6 & 7. While generating the build, we tried to customize the version of Phone gap CLI to 6.5.0 in config.xml file. And while installing we are getting error message as ‘There was a problem paring the package’. PFA for reference Kindly provide a solution to make it compatible to support Android version 6 & 7. 
1 answers

Hi Rajeshkumar,

Be  aware that the Android version that is supported by the plugins that should match too. Check for any error on the build process.


If that build is done successfully, you can debug the app with chrome dev tools if app starts.

If it does not start you can use Android adb logcat to get information about the error.

Or use Android studio for debugging and building

Cheers, Andries
