Maker of the Month Challenge: May 2020

Hello, Makers!   We’re excited to announce the Maker of the Month challenge of May. What is the challenge you might wonder? We'll challenge you with a new challenge based on the new release every month, the perfect opportunity to test and to show off your Mendix skills. Whoever provides the right answer with the best explanation, receives a free fancy Mendix t-shirt and a ‘Maker of the Month’ badge on your developer's profile.  Challenge: For native, what is the best way to build a dropdown filtering mechanism for listviews, by using the Native pop-up widget? Answers: 1. Creating buttons within a listview which will trigger a nanoflow when it's pressed to filter the items 2. Using the DropdownFilter widget to filter the list 3. Using a pop-up menu, when one of the items is clicked it will trigger a nanoflow and filter the listview items Comment which of the three answers mentioned above is the one correct answer, and please include your explanation of why that is the correct answer. Make sure your Mendix account is public so we know who you are as our next winner! The winner will be announced in the next release video.    Good luck everyone!
4 answers

My answer is “3”

For native, Using a native pop-up menu is the best way to build a dropdown filtering mechanism for listviews


Creating buttons can be useful for one or two filtering options but not useful if we have more filtering options because in UX/UI perspective it takes more space and not so user-friendly.

Creating a Dropdown list is a way to do this but needs to create an Extra Enumeration created for “filtering options” and should write a list view data source logic by using decision activity for each sorting option. with this.

Native popup menu takes less space and fancy compared to explicit buttons or dropdowns.

  • works with both data sources well
  • can have multiple options for filtering without effecting UX much.
  • no need to create separate Enum for Filtering option as required in the dropdown case
  • gives all other action options as buttons in specific option of the pop-up menu.

so, using Native popup menu is better than the other two options 




I believe the answer to this question depend on the Data Source of the List view. If the list view is sourced by “Database” or “XPath” then the best option would be number 2. A Dropdown filter widget can be used and it is compatible with the list view with those 2 data sources. This is the cleanest option and can provide you with how ever many sortable options as you desire. If the List View is sourced via Microflow, Nanoflow, or Association, then my best answer would be number 3. You would be able to provide the user with the same number of options as the drop down filter and the pop up menu would provide a clean look to the user. But there would be more nanoflows going on in the back-end and it could get more complex as opposed to just using a simple drop down, that is why if you have the option using a drop down filter would be the most ideal solution.


Thank you, 


Hello, Lars!

As you already provided the answer in the challenge question (“For native, what is the best way to build a dropdown filtering mechanism for listviews, by using the Native pop-up widget?”) – the answer is

Option 3. Using a pop-up menu, when one of the items is clicked it will trigger a nanoflow and filter the listview items.

Nevertheless this solution only works with Mendix 8.9.0 (or upcoming versions) – since the native pop-up menu is a new widget and not available in the previous Mendix versions. 

I would like to quote Mehmet Izci – Software Engineer at Mendix - from the Mendix 8.9 Release Video May, since he already summarizes the benefits of the pop-up menu:

  1. “… continue trend of fancy option menus ...”
  2. “… native popup menu to show a context menu exactly where the user taps on the screen ...”
  3. “… two configuration modes, Basic and Custom ...”
  4. “… Basic mode … quickly add options by specifying the action and the caption ...”
  5. “… Custom mode to add placeholders for every item so that you can fully customize their look and feel ...”

The native pop-up menu represents the way you and your colleagues are enhancing the Mendix platform very good.

It is fancy, it is exact and you can quickly build the the pop-up menu/dropdown filtering mechanism or you can just fully customize the widget as you want.

That is all I want, need and expect as a Mendix Rapid Application Developer.


“For native, what is the best way to build a dropdown filtering mechanism for listviews, by using the Native pop-up widget?”

“3. Using a pop-up menu, when one of the items is clicked it will trigger a nanoflow and filter the listview items”

3 is the only answer that uses the pop-up widget.


as for the question:
“what is the best way to filter on mobile?”
I recommend checking out this little blog :D 

“Always keep in mind that there is always the possibility that the best approach is to have no filtering or sorting features at all.”
