Bluetooth Printer connectivity in Smartphone

Hi Forum,  We have the requirement to print document in Bluetooth printer via smartphone and application is built in hybrid mobile mode. In web app, we have the document viewer widget to view the document and print via the same but in smartphone, unable to use the same widget to incorporate print functionality within the app for smartphone. Also while generating the built we have tried with the cordova-plugin to support the print functionality. <plugin name="cordova-plugin-printer" source="npm"  /> but unable to get the desired output.                                                                                                                                                  In addition, we also tried with BluetoothConnectMobile widget in app store. but unable to get the desired output. Need solution to incorporate in smartphone (Hybrid app). Thanks in Advance,
1 answers


I’ve not used the approach you are taking, but on a previous job I was able to link up a mobile printer to a Mendix app.

I used a Star printer with WebPrnt. This exposed a JavaScript API, so there was a small bit of JavaScript that needed writing. I don’t have access to the code anymore, but it took less than a day to link it up and get some examples working and printing from my phone.

Hope this is of help.
