Hybrid Mobile - Cannot Initiliaze App

HI Team, I have developed Hybrid Online mobil Application. Can we customize the Cannot Initiliaze App Screen with custom template when the app is opened with out network Connection . For example , when the application is openend with out network connection i Want to see a custom screen with “PLease check your Network connection” text on the screen instead of the deafaul Blue Screen with “Cannot Initiliaze App “. let me know hwo to achieve this Thanks inAdvance !!    
2 answers

Hi Dinesh,

You would need to make some alterations to the zip file you can download from the Sprintr  before building the app installer package.  But as this is default Mx, you would need to this everytime you generate a new zip/app package.

In the www\js\bundle.js you would need to change the return of this function to the desired feedback. Save, zip back up and build your app package.

The colors of the background and button can be changed within Sprintr, but beware this would affect the signin page as well.


Hi Dinesh, Yes it can be done by approaching following scenario :
Click on Project dashboard in your modeler => then click on Mobile Apps -> Under Theme tab, you can upload the image for Custom Error Screen.
For uploading image, you need to do some work around, design one custom page and convert to PNG and try to upload from here. 

But make about the resolution of PNG, before uploading.
