Session Time out not functioning properly in online Hybrid App

Hi, We have web and Online Hybrid app running in our production enviornenment. We wanted  to have auto session time out functionality , so we have configured the following settings for our environment, EnableKeepAlive=false and SessionTimeout=900000 (15 minutes).  Session time out is workign fine in my web application and drives user back to login screen after time out. I have two issues with session time out in hybrid app, The session time out is  not happenign after 15 minutes but it takes apprx 28- 30 min to happen.  The user is not redirected to the Login page after the sesion timeout, instead the application refresh automatically and again goes back to my home page(which is not the ideal behavuiour) Note : I have enabled concurrent sesison as well since the user may login into web and hybrid app at the same time. I want the application to redirect the user to login screen once the session is timed out as per the run time settings. Any suggestion to resolve the issues and open to any possible work arounds,  Thanks in advance!!!!
1 answers

Look at this forum post. Jasper’s answer is still valid:



