Native mobile Push Notification not registering device

I am setting up push notifications for my companies first native mobile app. The first time it was setup everything went fine but due to some DB and app issues it had to be redone and now I can not get the app to include PN in the build.    I added the required encryption and CC modules, added the encryption key. All 3 files were generated and placed in their respective locations (google-services.json, googleservice-info.plist and my privatekey.json file.  I configured them manually and not with nativebuilder and confirmed in my github repo that they are in fact in place. in Xcode I added background modes (remote notifications, checked all groups and for both dev and nativetemplate) and push notifications.   I customized the android manifest file as indicated in the instructions.  For the admin console, the page was still there from the previous setup. I just had to set the configurations.  DTAP is no, Android and iOS messaging service type are both FCM and using the same messaging service settings with the project id and private key generated in firebase.  I should note that I did not make any new changes to my firebase account and confirmed that everything still matched up and I am not using APNS as both iOS and Android are configured in firebase.   I’ve run the build several times and my iPhone settings do not show notification settings for the app nor do I get a request to send notifications in the app. I’ve gone through the documentation several times with no success determining why PN settings are not included in the build and also not getting a request.  Running the app local I have logs added to the registration nanoflow and am seeing activity there so the AppEvents widget is being triggered on page load/resume.
2 answers

Please check if you have correct configuration of FCM for iOS. I quess you are using iPhone so please firstly check if you configured firebase iOS project, APNS push notification certificate in apple developer and that APNS key is attached to firebase configuration in iOS project. 

BTW. If you are using FCM, then it still implies that you must have APNS certificate configurated and tied up with FCM configuration.


Please take a look at my answer at:

I had the same problem and managed to fix it.
