Hey ,
As you know we use a custom nanoflow for user login in native application. So after a successful signin you can pass the username to a microflow inside which create a log associating the user object. This will help you to retreive the list of users easily. You can do the vice vera of removing the association from the log entity upon logout.
Or , Maintain a boolean in account entity which you can update for every login/logout operation from native application using a microflow. This will also give you the ability to control the user to use only one device.
Note: You have to maintain this log by using only the microflow else the data will not be updated in the cloud.
You could just add custom logging to your native app that logs which user uses the app. When they sign in for example.
I dont think its available out of the box.
But probably, you could program something:
- When user log in, use $currentDeviceType to identify the device and update the user usage information
- Based on this, you will can try to generate the report what so ever.
Usually to get the list of active users,you can write java action using Core.getActiveSessions method from core module, so do some workaround in the java action to display the active users using profile type related methods.
Thanks for the suggestions guys! I just added a new boolean attribute that gets changed for when it is a native user every time the user signs in. Really appreciate the suggestions from everyone :D