Generate the Android APK using phonegap

Hi Team, I’m trying to generate the Android APK, I followed the same steps as mentioned in this ( i'm executing this command “npm i && npm run package && npm run platform:android” Steps 1: I downloaded the project from mendix web page(Build Mobile App Store Packages), its provided “” 2: I followed the same steps as mentioned in this ( 3: I got this error (package name ) 4: I changed the package name in config.xml (phonegap\build\config.xml) file, 5: once again i execute the cmd  “npm i && npm run package && npm run platform:android”, same error But I’m getting this error  [Error] Adding an android project... Error validating package name. Must look like: ``. Currently is: `io.mxapps.listviewdemo102-sandbox` npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 npm ERR! @mendix/mendix-hybrid-app-template@5.0.0 phonegap: `cd build && phonegap "platform" "add" "android"` npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the @mendix/mendix-hybrid-app-template@5.0.0 phonegap script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR!     C:\Users\amh\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2020-10-01T05_04_05_945Z-debug.log npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE   Thank you, ANil
3 answers

Hi Anil, if you use local builder then change identifier in /config/parameters.json and /config/environments.json. 

Edit: And remove build folder before you create a new build


Error validating package name. Must look like: ``. Currently is: `io.mxapps.listviewdemo102-sandbox`

Your error is already mentioned


In Deploy » Mobile App » App identifier give something like and run the process again


Hi Jha,

Thank you for your support,

The same error we getting, even I changed the package name in  config.xml (phonegap\build\config.xml) file,


1: I downloaded the project from mendix web page(Build Mobile App Store Packages), its provided “”

2: I followed the same steps as mentioned in this (

3: I got this error (package name )

4: I changed the package name in config.xml (phonegap\build\config.xml) file,

5: once again i execute the cmd  “npm i && npm run package && npm run platform:android”, same error
