An error occurred, please contact your system administrator.
I wanted to download a apk just to test thing by using the native builder. This is the documentation I used. I decided to use the default native quickstart app template that is provided. The documentation also uses the same template. After finishing the native builder, and downloading the apk file to my phone, when I launch the app I get the error. I have tried allowing all the permissions on my phone but nothing worked Error An error occurred, please contact your system administrator For native builder, this is the prepare command Downloads\native-builder-v3.2.1\native-builder.exe prepare --project-name actualverticalv1 --java-home "C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-" --project-path "C:\Users\vimst\Documents\Mendix\VerticalFarm-main_12\VerticalFarm.mpr" --mxbuild-path "C:\Program Files\Mendix\\modeler\mxbuild.exe" --github-access-token ead1196ba6cebca1a03ce0eb1d83691c5278fa26 --appcenter-api-token d715f6d6d79d78e879256964481f9a22cba66b24 --runtime-url "" --app-name "actual vertical farm v1" --app-identifier "com.mendix.testingverticalfarm" --mendix-version 8.13.1 --app-version 0.1.0 --output-path "C:\Users\vimst\Downloads\native-builder-v3.2.1" what does run time URL do? what does app identifier do? These are some questions I had and it was not very clear in the native builder documentation This is my build command Downloads\native-builder-v3.2.1\native-builder.exe build --project-name actualverticalv1 --build-number 1 --app-version 0.1.0 If anyone has any clue why the error is happening or knows what run time url / app identifier it would be a big help. thanks