How do I associate a fingerprint with a specific user on Hybrid Mobile App?

Hi all, In the Hybrid Mobile actions module the biometric authentication feature is very limited and only provides us with a true or false value. Is there any way to uniquely identify and store the fingerprints in order to associate them with a specific user? For now I have used the BiometricAuthentication JS to redirect to the homepage on receiving the true value.   Regards, Anirudh  
1 answers

Hi Anirudh,

You can try the below workaround to store the device unique id for each user account instead saving the biometric id to the user account

  1. Add an association between the user account and new entity device (many devices can be associated with one account (or) one device can be associated with one account as per your requirement)
  2. when you try to login using biometric, check the device is present in database or not
  3. If the device id is not present in the database ask the user to enter the password once and add the device to the particular user account
  4. If the device is associated with any user account create a user session(using java action) and sign into the system


Hope this helps!
