Native Mobile APK does not install

Hi Native Mobile experts, I’ve been experimenting with a native mobile application in Mendix 8.14.1. The application is a free app and I build the APK file as set out in these instructions: However, when I tried to install the APK file to my Android device, I keep getting a “Can not install” message. Any advice? Some more information: I found that for step 5 of the above-mentioned documentation, you have to append the command given in step 4  with that given in step 5 – mine was as follow: native-builder.exe build --project-name {RETRACTED} --java-home "{RETRACTED}\jdk-11.0.6" --project-path "{RETRACTED}\MyAppName.mpr" --mxbuild-path "{RETRACTED}\mxbuild.exe" --github-access-token {RETRACTED} --appcenter-api-token {RETRACTED} --appcenter-organization "{RETRACTED}" --runtime-url "{RETRACTED - SANDBOX ENVIRONMENT URL}" --app-name "MyAppName" --app-identifier "{RETRACTED}" --mendix-version "8.14.1" --build-number 1 --app-version 0.1.0 --deployment-target "Sandbox" The downloaded APK file had the name “app-appstore-release” instead of the expected “MyAppName-Android-1” name The APK file is NOT SIGNED, however I did allow for installing unknown applications on my device Andriod OS version on device is Android 10 Thanks in advance!
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