Google Tag Manager with Native Mobile App

We would like to implement Google Tag Manager with our Native mobile app. I know Firebase / Google Analytics is supported with Mendix Native mobile apps. But on top of that Google Tag Manager requires additional code and implementation. I found this library for React Native, but not sure if this would work. Any help is appreciated!
2 answers

Hi Rob,

I think this should work fairly well with a Mendix Native app. I think from an implementation point of view you want to implement this in Javascript actions as this gives more control on your navigation flow and will therefor make it easier to send custom events to Google Tag Manager.

Depending on the platforms you will support it will be necessary to create a custom Native app instead of using app center. You will need to install the Node dependencies in you javascriptsource folder with the npm install/yard add command. After you should be able to use the library straight away in JS actions on Android. If you need to support iOS you’ll need to make a custom developer app to test your local Mendix instance and a custom production build for App Store releases.

Working with Custom Native apps means cloning the Native project from the Github repository and open this with XCode and/or Android Studio. The process for this is explained in the following doc:

you can use the same steps for the custom production build.




Please take a look :

