Cant view correctly in Hybrid Phone App Online and the Mendix App (Beginner)

Hi everyone, im starting with Mendix in this days and i installed the 8.16.0 version of Studio Pro. I created a new app with a simple page (native) and when i Run Locally the project and choose the "Hybrid phone app online" view or "View in the Mendix App..." view i just can see a blank page with the title "Page title".  I checked the default home page of the Native profile but is pointing to the page that i created, i cant change the starting page of my apps. I tryed too using the "Native Mobile QuickStart App" starting point and have the same problem. Can anyone tell me what can i check? Thanks for your help!
4 answers

Thanks for your help Michael Jose!
I choosed a web page for de "Hybrid Phone App Online" profile and could see it, but still having problem with "View in the Mendix App...".
As you can see in the image beyond, in the native profile i choose a native page (My_Home_Native) as default home page, but when i scan the QR code in the mendix app it shows me the same web page that i see when i  select Responsive view or Hybrid Phone App Online view (called Home_Web). I can't test the native app, only the web pages.

My_Home_Native Page (Native)


Home_Web Page


View in the Mendix App (scanning QR)



I was using Mendix Mobile app instead of Make it Native app to open my project, so the home page always opened in web mode.

Thanks for the help!


Hello Cristian,

If you see the Navigation profile of the ‘Hybrid app online’, it is pointing to a default home page. You can click the show button to view that page to edit. Once the desired page components are placed, save and run again to view the ‘Hybrid phone app Online’ to view the changes.



The Homepage is a



thanks i also faced the same issue, due to using “Mobile App”, instead of “Make it Native 8” or “Make It Native 9 ”.
