Build Native Mobile Locally asks GitHub and App center details

Hi All, I am trying to build native mobile locally for Android application by following steps given in following URL: When I execute below command, I get an error saying “Missing required arguments: runtime-url, github-access-token, appcenter-api-token”   native-builder.exe bundle --project-name "CoolApp" --output-path "C:\bundles" --project-path "<absolute-path>" --java-home "<absolute-path>" --mxbuild-path "<absolute-path>"   As per my understanding GitHub and App center are not required for local build. Any idea on resolving this issue?   Below are the Build Environment details Mendix App Version: Native Builder: native-builder-v3.0.0 Native Template: native-template-5.1.3
1 answers

Hi Mohan, 

Despite of the caption Build native apps locally, Mendix studio pro will need the github and appcenter API tokens for packaging your mendix native application into an APK or IPA file. The idea is to reduce the number of steps involved previously for building native apps. The current way of building native app will require only a single click once you enter the appcenter and github API tokens. 

Missing required arguments: runtime-url, github-access-token, appcenter-api-token” – Though this is an offline application you still have to run your application in cloud – necessary for the application for executing microflows and login. The runtime URL is the key for communicating with the mendix server. 

Note: The mendix studio pro 8.15.2 would require you to have a latest native builder version. In this case 3.2.2. This wil provide a updated native template to be used while packaging your application. 

 This will be useful if you want to build native apps the old fashioned way . 

Hope this helps!



