Native builder fails for iOS multiple Native apps (No certificate for team CCxx matching)

Since this week I get an error when I try to build an IPA with the Native builder. I tried multiple Native apps (with different certificates) and they all give the same error in the Native Builder logging: error: No certificate for team 'CCxx' matching 'subject=UID = CCXX, CN = iPhone Distribution: Cillus den Brok (CCxxx), OU = CCBxxx, O = Cillus den Brok, C = US' found: Select a different signing certificate for CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY, a team that matches your selected certificate, or switch to automatic provisioning. (in target 'nativeTemplate' from project 'nativeTemplate') What could be causing this? Thanks  
6 answers

We released v1.0.74. It should once again be possible to sign your iOS builds. The app should prompt you to auto update on the next start. If you rather prefer to install it yourself you can always get the latest version from here.

No reason to bother Santa for a Mac after all. How about world peace? :)

Enjoy your holidays!


Hi everyone, 

There’s been a change that we are trying to track down. This seems related to the latest App Center maintenance session that ended the 18th of December. 

We are aware and are tracking the issue internally.

For now; if that is an option don’t sign the iOS build and rather resign the unsigned xcarchive using XCode as needed. 


Select a different signing certificate for CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY, a team that matches your selected certificate, or switch to automatic provisioning. (in target 'nativeTemplate' from project 'nativeTemplate')


No. still the same problem  :-(

Can other developers make an IPA at the moment with the Native builder? 


Are your development and distribution certificates still valid? Maybe they expired?


Edit: Maybe your certificate is for another team than the one configured in the build? I build locally, whenever I create a new build or update it to a newer version of the template I have to select the team in XCode. No issue as I build in XCode anyway but double check the build settings. I don't build in the cloud so I can't help you with cloud settings. 


Thanks for think along Marcel! Great change that the wrong team or something is now active.

Where can I find the build settings when I don’t use xcode to build an IPA? Is this is config file in github?

In the Mendix builder I only have this option and I already changed the certifates here with new ones created @ apple.

