Native mobile push notifications from third party

The Mendix documentation shows how to send push notifications to devices. An Admin has access to a page where they fill in fields like Title, Body and ActionName within a dataview containing a MessageData object.  You can then place the notifications widget on the homepage of the mobile app where you define those same ActionNames and choose which logic/nanoflow needs to be kicked off.     But what if you are sending the push notification through a third party? The object that is sent with the push notification does not correspond with the MessageData object of Mendix, so it also has no ActionName variable. How can we still define what the App should do when the user opens the push notification? If we add an ActionName variable to the push notification object the third party is sending, would the notifications widget still recognize it? Any experiences with this?  
1 answers


Could it be an idea that your 3th party calls a POST Api in your Mendix application, and then let Mendix handle the real push notification to the enduser?
