Push notfications on native

Hi all,   I have sucesfully setup push notfications for my native app.  They send fine when the app is closed and i’m on my phone/tablet homescreen, i see the notfication pop-up and can read my message. However when the app is open the messages never popup as a notfication. I see nothing however in the admin panel within the push nofitcations connector module it says they have been delivered. Does anyone know why this is? Isit a limitation of the push nofications? Or isit a bug?
1 answers

Hi Phil,

Did you setup the push notification widget as described in the docs: https://docs.mendix.com/howto/mobile/native-remote-notifications#3-2-setting-up-a-notification-widget

This contains event handlers actions when someone clicks a notification (outside of your app) or when the notification is received and the application is open at that time. With the last one you trigger nanoflows or other actions and show a popup yourself!

