Mendix Native login

Hi fellow Mendix’ers! Mendix version: 8.18.1 We have a, in my opinion, weird issue when logging in to our native application. When logging in to our native app, the default ‘Sign In’ JavaScript action is used. When we log in and the response is ‘Oke’ (Status code = 200) we want to call an MF to do some extra actions. When this MF doesn’t have any input parameters, the MF is successfully triggered. I can debug it and follow the activities. The moment we add input parameters to this MF, the MF (and every activity behind that MF) is skipped. It doesn’t matter what type (string, object, etc) or how many input parameters, it just doesn’t trigger the MF. The login action itself works because the home page is shown.   I'd love to hear your ideas!   Kind regards, Bjarn    
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