Native Build App - iOS Build Error

I’m getting the following error when building the iOS side of the apps Native Mobile. Stripping unwanted MendixNative (i386, x86_64) archs  fatal error: /Applications/ -remove i386 specified but fat file: /Users/runner/work/1/s/ios/MendixNative/libMendix.a does not contain that architecture ##[error]The process '/bin/bash' failed with exit code 1 ##[error]Bash failed with error: The process '/bin/bash' failed with exit code 1   I have no idea what change I need to make. Android built with no problem.
1 answers

There is a known bug in v6.2.1 of the Native Template that is causing this issue.  

The team is aware of it and building a new version to be released before the end of this week. 


Jason Corvino
