Responsive browser vs phone browser - alignment issues

I have created an application which will create a customer and then see the created customers. This application is working fine in the Responsive browser but not in phone browser. Since customer search results are in tabular format they are not displaying properly. Please find the below screenshot and suggest how to fix this view in phone browser. Mendix Studio pro version: 8.18.1
1 answers

Hi Venu,

best practice would be to *duplicate* the page and create a mobile page with another layout. Data Grids are not good widgets for mobile devices. You could use a list view instead.

Inside the *Navigation* pane you can then select your device specific home page and go from there. If you only need a mobile specific page and the rest could be remain the same, you can create a Microflow to check what kind of device your user is currently using.


I hope this will help you.

Go make it!
