Line Chart (beta) gives error when loading native mobile

Hi,   I am required to use native mobile to display my sensor values. I am successful in showing my values in text form but not in graph form. I downloaded “Native mobile commons” and the only thing I have seen that may help is the Line chart (beta). May I know if there are others to use for native mobile or is this the only widget available for Native Mobile?   As for my errors,     “Nanoflow 8” is to call the microflow and creates a list to display in the Line chart, however it is not working.   “Callatestfield” microflow is to get the values from my IOT platform.      The errors are shown in my bluestacks app as well as in the 2nd picture. May I know how do I fix these issues and display it in Mendix native mobile app please?
1 answers



In addition, I am also receiving an error in the console list: “ An error occurred while executing nanoflow data source for widget Phone.Page_6.listView1: Non-persistable objects created in a microflow can't be passed to another microflow” in native mobile app. May I know how do I fix this as well please?
