Push Notification-- devices not registered

Hi,   I have followed guides such as: https://medium.com/mendix/mendix-native-push-notification-practical-929951b59398, https://docs.mendix.com/howto/mobile/native-remote-notifications, https://docs.mendix.com/howto/mobile/setting-up-google-firebase-cloud-messaging-server.   I have tried to build the app for distribution by using my free sandbox cloud environment, put my firebase configuration in the native mobile builder UI, and I managed to build and install the app on my phone. I then followed the steps and tried to build the resposive web locally. I was able to add firebase FCM locally but when I run the app in my phone, I was not able to see any devices being registered on the administration page.    When I run the responsive web on the cloud, I was not able to add firebase FCM at all. it says that theres an error and it will change Enable to No. ( I checked yes when creating a new FCM).    I really really hope that someone could help me on this please… My endgoal for this push notification is to automatically notify registered devices when something occurs. I am using a free version on Mendix 8 and I am not planning to publish the app to the appstore. 
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